Your graduate experience will consist of courses and supervised field experiences designed to develop and enhance your knowledge, 态度与技能. 教师 of the Education Department believe all educational professionals are lifelong learners.


A passing score on a required 内布拉斯加州 Department of Education "content" test is required for Principal and Superintendent endorsements effective June 2015.  All students applying for certification in 内布拉斯加州 must provide evidence they have taken the required Praxis II content test and received the required passing score.


Students seeking either a 教育领导教育学硕士 and/or a 内布拉斯加州 principal certification at one level  (PK-12, PK-8, 或7-12)要求完成36学分. A 45 credit-hour program is available for students pursuing K-12 certification.

EDL 675(6学分)  教育领导基础

EDL 680/681/682(3学分) Elementary, Middle Grades, or Secondary Field Experience/ Practicum I

EDL 683/684/685(3学分)  Elementary, Middle Grades, or Secondary Field Experience/ Practicum II

EDL 621(3学分)  领导实习

EDL 686(6学分)  高等教育领导ⅰ

EDL 687(3学分)  高等教育领导(二)

EDL 695(3学分)  研究/项目实施

EDL 676(3学分)  Assessment of Student Learning for Educational Leaders (preferred) Or EDU 602(3学分)  学习评估 Or EDU 614 读写能力发展评估

EDU 600(3学分)  改进教学

EDU 601(3学分)  课程与教学中的关键问题

*Six hours of transfer credit can be applied for applicable courses from other institutions.


Students who have completed Doane's 教育学硕士ucation in Curriculum and Instruction degree and want to become certified as principals must add 27 credit hours of courses needed for certification to complete the 教育领导教育学硕士. These students will have already completed nine credits of Education 600 (or 613), 601, 和602年, which will apply toward the 36 credits required for the 教育领导教育学硕士.





  • A student is expected to complete the degree with their cadre or within a maximum of seven years of beginning graduate study at 十大网络娱乐平台注册. 
  • If a student withdraws from the cadre experience, it is necessary to wait one year and resume classes with the next cadre. 
  • If the time away from the program extends beyond a year, the Dean will determine if a student can resume participation in the program. 
  • 如果课程材料被认为不再相关, the student must retake appropriate graduate courses. 
  • If a student has time away from the program for three years or more, 那么所有的课程都必须重做.


Students may transfer up to six hours of credit from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning into Doane's Educational Leadership program. Any course considered for transfer is reviewed individually for recency and relevancy of the material as it relates to best practice and theory at the time of the review. The recency standard includes work that is completed within seven years before beginning the program. Courses are reviewed for relevancy as they relate to educational issues in the areas of instructional improvement, 关键问题, and assessment as they may take the place of Education 600, 601, 或者是602.

Final determination of transfer credit is made by the Dean of 研究生 Studies of Educational Leadership. Only graduate courses in which the student’s letter grade is B- or above may be considered for transfer credit and applied toward fulfilling degree and certification requirements. All transfer courses are entered on the transcript with a grade of P (passed).

Students are responsible for making formal requests to graduate institutions they have attended to have their graduate transcripts sent directly to 十大网络娱乐平台注册, 教育学研究生课程, 北52街303号, 林肯, NE 68504.


通过提交以下信息, you authorize 十大网络娱乐平台注册 to call or text you at the phone number provided. 十大网络娱乐平台注册保证100%的隐私. Your information you provide will not be sold or shared with any third-party.