Artist 吉尔伯特·弗莱彻 stands in front of one of his paintings.
Artist 吉尔伯特·弗莱彻 will present "Painted Voices and the Creative Struggle for the Souls of Black Folk" for the seventh annual 罗伯特·L. 波尔克讲座,下午7点.m.4月5日,星期二. 这是弗莱彻系列作品中的15幅, "Painted Voices: An Artist’s Journey into the World of Black Writers," will also be shown in 十大网络娱乐平台注册's Rall Art Gallery from 8 a.m. 到晚上9点.m. 四月四日及五日.

十大网络娱乐平台注册 welcomes artist 吉尔伯特·弗莱彻 as the guest speaker for the university’s seventh annual 罗伯特·L. 波尔克种族与社会正义讲座. 弗莱彻将发表他的演讲, “Painted Voices and the Creative Struggle for the Souls of Black Folk,在7点.m. 周二, 4月5日, 2022 in Heckman Auditorium inside the Communications Building on the university’s 克里特岛 campus. 该活动免费向公众开放.

讲座之后将有一个问题&与艺术家的会面, and conclude with a reception located outside the auditorium in the Great Hall and Rall Art Gallery. The reception is sponsored by the Blue River Valley Arts Council, with light snacks and beverages available for participants.

另外, 15 of Fletcher’s oil paintings from his series “Painted Voices: An Artist’s Journey into the World of Black Writers” will be on display in the Rall Gallery from 8 a.m. 到晚上9点.m. 4月4日星期一至4月5日星期二.

“We live in a society where voice and representation matter, and not only is Gilbert himself a successful and amazing artist, 但 the paintings he has created call attention to the narratives written and witnessed by dozens of great African American writers,”医生说。. Marilyn Johnson-Farr, Dwight Porter professor of education and Polk Lectureship committee chair. “Using his art as a lens during this year’s Polk Lectureship, we can examine not only the history of efforts to dismantle racism, 但, 更重要的是, 通过对话和行动来面对它.”

Fletcher is a native of New Orleans and currently lives in New York City. He is known for his New Orleans neighborhood house paintings, “绘声”系列, 记录“凯恩河的克里奥尔人”.“弗莱彻在许多博物馆展出过, galleries and university galleries around the United States, 以及法国和加纳.

“A creative dialogue has always been at play with artists and writers to document our history and the profound message as to how to survive in this land we call home,弗莱彻说. “My lecture will explore and discuss how social issues we are faced with in everyday life have a direct effect on the creative process of Black artists.”

In full, his “Painted Voices” series features 30 portraits of celebrated African American writers. The 15 writers featured for Doane’s exhibition are Maya Angelou, 詹姆斯·鲍德温, 阿米里·巴拉卡, 拉尔夫·埃里森, 蓝斯顿休斯, 格温多林。布鲁克斯, 丽塔的鸽子, 罗尔蒂, 牙买加Kinkaid, 托妮·莫里森, 主沃尔·索因卡, 爱丽丝沃克, 8月威尔逊, 约翰·埃德加·怀德曼和理查德·赖特.

吉尔伯特·弗莱彻's oil painting of 拉尔夫·埃里森, author of "Invisible Man."
弗莱彻为作家拉尔夫·埃里森画的肖像, 以小说《十大网络娱乐平台注册》而闻名,是弗莱彻系列15幅油画中的一幅, "Painted Voices: An Artist’s Journey into the World of Black Writers,” which will be displayed in the Rall Art Gallery 四月四日及五日. 

Fletcher was inspired to create the series after reading many of the books written by the authors listed above, 以及许多其他黑人作家. The stories they wrote led him to wonder about their creative processes, 他们获取想法的习惯, 以及他们如何处理棘手的问题, 比如奴隶制, 压迫, 种族隔离, 警察暴力, 社会不公和种族主义.

“作为一个视觉艺术家, I am faced with juggling the content and ideas of my art to make it more acceptable to this America we live in, 还是让我的艺术反映出我有时感到的愤怒, 以及我每天在新闻中看到的仇恨,弗莱彻说.

The Polk Lectureship is one of the avenues by which the Doane community has important discussions surrounding race, 种族愈合和种族平等.

“每次演讲都是对霍金博士的庆祝. Bob Polk’s enduring impact on our communities, and I’m deeply grateful that Mr. 弗莱彻会和我们一起提拔. Polk’s vision of a world with more racial harmony and equity,路易斯·索特罗说, 多元化部门的副总裁, 公平与包容.



罗伯特·L. 波尔克种族与社会正义讲座, established by Rev. Dr. 罗伯特·L. 波尔克的52, the first Black American to earn a degree from Doane College, supports public and candid conversations about current social issues and race across the world. 灵感来自Rev. Polk’s career of building bridges and challenging the barriers between races and cultures, the goal of the lecture is to provide an avenue by which important discussions surrounding race, 包括种族愈合和种族平等, 能否建立并持续下去. 讲座使学生, 教师, staff and guests to hear from high-impact speakers in the fields of diversity, 公平和社会正义.

“Racism continues to be the scourge that scars our humanity and the landscape of our society. What we need in every sector of our society is a more meaningful conversation and an in-depth dialogue on race before we can truly become a whole people. It is the hope that this series of lectures can perhaps move participants towards greater racial harmony and racial equity,波尔克说.

Past series lectures have included “The Status of African Americans, 过去和现在, 什么发生了变化. Glenn Mitchell in 2021; “You Belong Here” by Rachel D. Fox in 2020; “My Living Shall not be in Vain” by Dr. Tommie Lindsey in 2019; “Time’s Up: Who’s Watching the Clock” by Maurice Watson in 2018; “The Trojan Horse of the Civil Rights Movement” by David J. 丹尼斯,老. in 2017; and “Why Race Still Matters” by Robert Polk in 2016.

To contri但e to the Polk Lectureship please contact Julie Rasgorshek, annual fund director, at (电子邮件保护) 或致电402-826-8561.