三个黑人学生, 穿便服, 站在黑人音乐台后面一排,读牧师的诗. Dr. 马丁·路德·金.'s 1963 "Letter from Birmingham Jail." The students are lit by a spotlight, with all but the wood stage in front of them and a wooden podium to their right, 在阴影. They are participating in a candlelight vigil, one of the events of Doane's 灵魂般的一周.
二年级学生(左至右)Trent Bouchee, Sam Collins and Rian Green stand on the stage in Heckman Auditorium during the Wednesday, 1月. 24日在十大网络娱乐平台注册举行的烛光守夜活动是马丁·路德·金周的一部分.

利兹·麦克库伊(Liz McCue)撰写

图片由Liz McCue和Logan Fetzer提供

For the second year, 十大网络娱乐平台注册 held a full week of events to honor 牧师. Dr. 马丁·路德·金. 1月. 活动由马丁·路德·金周委员会成员协调, 包括教职员工, 教职员及校友, 以及多样性的划分, 公平与包容.

该大学也于1月9日星期一关闭. 15 in observation of the federal holiday recognizing the civil rights leader — the first time Doane has observed the holiday.

Eleven-year-old Jayde Dorsey closes her eyes and holds the palm of her hand up as she sings into a microphone on the stage in Heckman Auditorium. 多尔西穿着一件红色开衫,外面是一件海军蓝polo衫和一条红蓝相间的裙子.
杰德·多尔西唱歌作为烛光守夜的一部分周三,1月9日. 24.

“I would hope that some of us who have been resting on our laurels will get unrested,” said Dr. 玛丽莲Johnson-Farr, 教育学教授, 为1011/KOLN的《十大网络娱乐平台注册》预演一周的活动.

烛光守夜定于1月11日星期四举行. 18日开赛的各项赛事因冬季天气原因被推迟. But the vigil served just 也 as a way to close out 灵魂般的一周 with thought-provoking messages and commitment from attendees 和 city of 克里特岛 to carry on the week’s theme, 实现梦想:从我开始——传播希望, 勇气与团结.”

约翰逊-法尔博士和约翰-法尔博士作了介绍. 罗杰·休斯1982年, 十大网络娱乐平台注册校长, before a city proclamation read by City Council President Dale Strehle ’84.

The vigil featured incredible performances of “Rise Up” and “A Change is Gonna Come” by 11-year-old Jayde Dorsey, 博士的女儿. 贾马尔·多尔西,20岁. 二年级学生,山姆·柯林斯, Rian Green and Trent Bouchee read from King’s 1963 “Letter from Birmingham Jail.在活动结束之前, 约翰逊-法尔点燃了一支蜡烛,扎克·拉什, 林肯公立学校荣誉干部促进者, led attendees in singing “This Little Light of Mine” and “We Shall Overcome.” 



演讲嘉宾Dr. Marlon Johnson stands in a blue suit and orange polka-dot bow-tie with 心理咨询文学硕士 faculty members, Dr. 考特尼·伊斯特博士. Andrea McGrath和Dr. 雅顿Szepe.
Dr. Marlon Johnson (center) stands with 心理咨询文学硕士 faculty Dr. 考特尼·伊斯特博士. Andrea McGrath和Dr. 雅顿Szepe, 1月11日星期五. 他在Jack J. Huck Continuing Education Center at Southeast Community College to Doane students and supporters of the MAC program.

1月5日星期五. 19、特邀演讲人Dr. Marlon Johnson gave two presentations — one to a room full of Doane’s Leadership Team and employees on the 克里特岛 campus in the morning, 还有一个是晚上给学生的 心理咨询文学硕士 项目与公众. The morning presentation was titled “Creating Inclusive Systems for Learning and Connection.”

约翰逊的晚间演讲, “Looking Inward and Facing Outward: Developing Strategies for Cultural Humility,是针对咨询师的, 但这些信息也适用于其他领域的与会者, 也. He defined cultural humility as “the ability to maintain an interpersonal stance that is open to the other in relation to aspects of cultural identity that are most important to the client.”

But you can substitute “client” for “student,” “colleague,” or even “stranger."在任何互动中, you don’t have to know everything about another person’s culture or experiences to be willing to learn, and to practice self-awareness of how your own culture and identities are influencing the interaction. And when it comes to practicing cultural humility — there’s no certificate at the end. 这是一个终生的过程. 错误是会犯的,从错误中,有机会变得更好.

“我还有很多东西要学,约翰逊说, of practicing cultural humility in his own work as a licensed professional counselor and assistant professor of counselor education at the Seminary of the Southwest. “我们承认这是一场接近和练习的游戏.”



Dr. 贾马尔·多尔西和博士. 特蕾莎修女帕金斯 stand in a 十大网络娱乐平台注册 classroom on the university's 林肯 campus, 在投影仪屏幕前.
Drs. 贾马尔·多尔西(Jamar Dorsey)和特蕾莎·珀金斯(特蕾莎修女帕金斯)为十大网络娱乐平台注册的学生举办了两个讲习班, 星期一,全体教职员工, 1月. 22.

Dr. 贾马尔·多尔西和博士. 特蕾莎修女帕金斯, assistant 教育学教授 and co-director of the master of education in educational leadership, 分享了他们的工作坊“一切从我开始”,两次——第一次是在克里特岛校区, 然后是在林肯校区的一个会议. 开始,y passed around a sheet of paper with six statements pulled from King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”:

  • “Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.”
    A group of people stand around a table gathering children's books into neat packs of five for donation. 站在中间的是身穿黑色连衣裙的Gabby Porter-Loving, 戴着金项链和环形耳环, 金色的丝线编织在她的发辫里. 她把一摞书递给了史密斯博士. Bess Scott, who wears a grey sweatshirt that reads "I Love Public Schools."
    Gabby Porter-Loving(21岁)将一摞书递给波特博士. 十大网络娱乐平台注册林肯校区行政楼的贝丝·斯科特. The books were collected into stacks of five and wrapped with ribbons before being donated to Linked2Literacy.
  • 不冷不热的接受比彻底的拒绝更令人困惑.”
  • “任何地方的不公正都是对任何地方正义的威胁.”
  • “We who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. 我们只是把已经存在的隐藏的紧张带到了表面.”
  • “任何直接影响一个人的,都会间接影响所有人。.”
  • “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.” 

Participants were then given several minutes to establish a ‘value’ for each statement by distributing a total of 100 points among them.

“因为你一天要给人赋予多少价值, 的地方, 在很短的时间内,珀金斯说.

They asked participants to share their thoughts on what it meant to be counterproductive or to be an extremist, 这两个词都是用来诋毁金和其他民权活动家的. 珀金斯和多尔西都是从克里特岛的作坊开车过来的 也许 快一点去林肯工作室, 他们说, King saw a destination for the civil rights movement and took action to hasten movement toward it.

“Dr. 金之所以做出这些决定,是因为我们有目标。. “It is our moral obligation to press the accelerator because we can’t afford to wait.”



The week’s events also included a recap of the spring 2023 alternative spring break trip along the Civil Rights Trail, 突出员工的经验, 学生和校友参观了沿途的四个州. 你可以 在我们2023年2月的预览文章中阅读更多关于这次旅行的信息.

服务不仅仅是一个谈话的话题, either — donation boxes were available on Doane’s 林肯 and 克里特岛 campuses to collect feminine care products, 黑头发护理产品, 给当地非营利组织的洗衣粉和儿童书籍 香柏树, 女青年会友谊回家. Students could find volunteer opportunities for 香柏树 和 友谊回家 on the Helper Helper app, 也.

Dr. 阿曼达铁, 传播学助理教授, 促成了一场关于投票权的午餐和学习讨论, and Dwight Brown led a presentation on social emotional intelligence and microaggressions.

But although 灵魂般的一周 has ended for another year, work started during it can continue. Several service projects are ongoing — donation boxes on the 林肯 campus will remain available through Feb. 5,并可通过以下方式向友谊之家捐款 亚马逊愿望列表 在任何时候.

Doane社区的成员也被邀请分享他们的 行动呼吁 — an online form asking for an objective, action steps, time frame and accountability partners.  



  • 编程委员会:
    • Dr. 玛丽莲·约翰逊-法尔(主席)
    • 贾斯汀Ellerbe
    • 约翰·弗罗斯特
    • Dr. 阿曼达铁
    • 帕蒂Lavelle
    • Dr. 特蕾莎修女帕金斯
  • 社区服务委员会:
    • Regina Sullivan ' 22L(主席)
    • 凯瑟琳Archie-Johnson
    • Dr. 贾马尔·多尔西,20岁
    • Dr. 考特尼东
    • 斯蒂芬妮Hemje
    • 约书亚·约翰逊
    • 埃里克•琼斯
    • 亚历克西斯利普森
  • 营销委员会:
    • Michael Stehlik ' 07(主席)
    • Marivelle杰罗姆翻译
    • 加布里埃尔Porter-Loving ’21L